Brooklin Lions Wilderness Trail > Scientific studies > Baseline study > Methods

2.0 Methods

Background information was obtained and perused for information on existing environmental conditions such as soils, climate and physiography. Aerial Photographs taken in April 1996 were obtained from Northway Airphoto and interpreted stereographically for terrain conditions and vegetation character. Additional oblique photographs were taken from a small plane on September 18, 1999. Historical airphotos taken in 1926 and 1946 were examined for a historic context of land use. These were borrowed from J.M. Francis. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) was contacted for floodline mapping and other information.

Field investigations were conducted on site on the following dates: April 1 & 24, May 19 & 30, June 6, 14 & 22, July 7,11 & 18, August 21 and September 18 & 22, 1999. On these visits the site physical as well as biological features were documented. All vegetation communities previously identified on airphotos were described according to structure and species composition. All species of vascular plants were documented. Wildlife was also recorded. A breeding bird survey was carried out on June 6 during the peak of the breeding season. Amphibian breeding was documented in April and May. A specific effort to record butterflies was made because of the Brooklin Horticulture Society is planning to establish a butterfly garden along the proposed trail. Incidental observations of other wildlife such as mammals and reptiles were also documented.

A series of photographs were taken at three characteristic locations which will be used as benchmarks for comparison with future conditions following construction of the trail. The photo locations are shown in Figure 1. It is anticipated that future monitoring of environmental conditions will take place at one, three and five years following trail construction.

Note that the Latin names of plants and animals are not included in the main text of the report but these are all listed in the appendices.

Next: Physical conditions

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