Trail Partners
The many partners making the trail possible.
Brooklin and District Kinsmen donate $4000 for the trail
Kinsmen David Bishop (left) presents a $4000.00 cheque to Lion John Hulley,
trail chairman of Brooklin District Lions Club (right), while
other Kinsmen members look on. This money will pay to sponsor
a bench along the trail and some other needed components.
More of our many trail partners are listed at the bottom of this page.
Trail Partners
The Lions Club is working together with many partners in the community
to make the trail a reality.
It's still not too late to get involved. Contact the trail chair, John Hulley
(jayt@lionstrail.org or 655-4640).
Contributing groups already involved include:
- Brooklin and District Kinsmen
- Brooklin Downtown Business Association

Milkweed, pictured here, is one of the local plants that is most effective
in attracting butterflies.
- Brooklin Horticultural Society
- The Brooklin Outback
- Brooklin Pharmacy Ltd.
- The Brooklin United Church youth groups
- Brooklin's Volunteer Firefighters
- The Brooklin Woodcarvers Club
- Camping In Style, Brooklin
- Durham District School Board
Read the school board's
proposal for collaboration.
(Also in PDF format for Adobe Acrobat)
- The Durham Region Field Naturalists
- The Francis Family, Kent Mills
- Friends of the Environment Foundation (TD-Canada Trust)
(for the Horticultural Society's butterfly meadow)
- Kamstra Ecostudies
- Memorial Chapel, Brooklin
- Mitchell Lumber
- My School
- Nurse Chev Olds Cadillac
- C.R.C.S. Contractors
- Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
- Optimist Club of Brooklin, Ontario
- Our Millennium (Community Foundations of Canada)
- The Pickering Field Naturalists
- Royal Canadian Legion Auxiliary Branch 152, Brooklin
- Royal Ontario Museum
- Whitby District, Scouts Canada
- 2nd Brooklin Group, Scouts Canada
- 1st Ashburn Group, Scouts Canada
- Sir Sandford Fleming College
- The Sorbara Group (developer of The Village of Brooklin development)
- St. Thomas Anglican Church youth groups
- The Toronto Zoo & Zoological Society
- Whitby Hydro
- Wine of the Times
For comments on the web site, contact the
webmaster, Neil Wick: webmaster@lionstrail.org